As we look ahead to the new growing season, you may be thinking of submitting a soil test. Here are some general schedules provided by the UT Cooperative Extension on how often a soil test is recommended:  

  • Continuous Row Crops (conventional) — every two to three years.
  • Double-cropping Systems — every two years.
  • Continuous No-till Soybeans (only) — every three to five years.
  • Continuous No-till Corn or Cotton — every two years.
  • Hay Systems — every two years.
  • High-value Cash Crops (tobacco, vegetables) — annually.
  • Lawns, Gardens and Pasture Crops — every three to five years.
  • Any time a nutrient problem is suspected.
  • At the beginning of a different cropping rotation.
  •  For your convenience, below you will find a link to a Cooperative Extension Publication that provides information on how you can change the pH in your soil. Please reach out to me if I can be of any assistance.

Changing pH in Soil-

For more information, contact:

  • Rick Hernandez
  • Agriculture Natural Resources Extension Agent
  • Office : 434-591-1950